Tuesday, 26 May 2009

The start of something new

Hi everyone. I have created this blog to inform and gather info on allotment management. I have been lucky enough to acquire a council house with a massive back garden and have started a gardening project called "MAY PROJECT".
We have already planted out quite a few fruits and veggies and they are well on the way. Potatoes, sweet corns and strawberries are just a few of the stuff i have coming up in the yard. The idea of the project is to grow enough food to sustain myself and anyone else working on the land throughout the year. We currently have two volunteers helping out in the garden and there have been a lot of improvements. For example, we have cleared a massive space for growing, we have rescued a fruit tree (not sure what it is yet, i am betting pears) from the dreaded life sucking ivy, and have recently raised enough money to purchase a 12 X 15 ft poly tunnel.
Can't wait for all the crops to be ready for harvesting this season. We already had a few dishes from the spinach and lots of lettuce. The snails and slugs have been on there best behavior so far this season (knock wood). All in all its' bee a good and rewarding season so far, my only regret is that i did not document the progress of the garden from the very beginning. Never mind, we learn from our mistakes, from now on I'll take loads of pictures of various stages of the gardens development and produce updates on the projects progress.